The vacuum insulation stainless steel bottle tumbler carton drop test is used to test that the thermos bottles may fall and cause damage during the transportation process. KingStar uses this drop test method to test the packaging scheme, so as to come up with the best solution so that the loss can be minimized during transportation. The test methods and standards are as follows:

Preparation of Stainless Steel Thermos Bottle Samples Before the Test

1.1 Before the test, the function, safety and appearance of the product must be tested. If they work properly, then the dropping test is allowed to carried out. Function tests include insulation test, water leakage test, lid thread test, straw function test, etc.

1.2 The product must be packed in accordance with the prescribed method (referring to the production instructions or specifications), and the accessories must not be left out.

1.3 If the customers has special requirements for sealing boxes (such as taping), then their requirements should be met; if there is no special requirements, then the package box should be sealed with 2-inch transparent tape and the outer carton box with 3-inch transparent tape.

1.4 Test samples shall not be less than 2 full boxes or 4PCS finished products.

Dropping Sequence(Use a drop test machine or drop manually)

2.1 Base angle of the seam side

2.2 The shortest of the three sides of the angle 1

2.3 The second shortest of the three sides of the angle 1

2.4 The longest of the three sides of the angle 1

2.5 The smallest face adjacent to the angle 1

2.6 The smallest face opposite to the 5

2.7 The medium face adjacent to the angle 1

2.8 The medium face opposite to the 7

2.9 The angle 1 adjacent to the largest face 9

2.10 The largest face opposite to 9

water bottle drop test sequence diagram

Requirements of Dropping Test:

3.1 In the process of dropping, the sample should not touch any object and should fall freely.

3.2 The impact face should be horizontal.

Determination of the Dropping Height

4.1 The dropping height refers to the vertical distance between the lowest point of the sample and the impact face after lifting the sample.

4.2 The dropping height varies according to the gross weight of the sample, and should comply with customer’s test specification standards (if the customer has special requirements) or the ISO2248 standards (see the table below for details):








lb cm in kg lb cm in kg lb




2.2 100 39.00 11 24.2 68 26.52 21 46.2 54 21.06
2 4.4 100 39.00 12 26.4 66 25.74 22 48.4 53



6.6 95 37.05 13 28.6 65 25.35 23 50.6 53 20.67
4 8.8 90 35.10 14 30.8 63 24.57 24 52.8 52



11.0 86 33.54 15 33.0 62 24.18 25 55.0 52 20.28
6 13.2 82 31.98 16 35.2 59 23.01 26 57.2 51



15.4 79 30.81 17 37.4 58 22.62 27 59.4 51 19.89


17.6 75 29.25 18 39.6 57 22.23 28 61.6 50


9 19.8 73 28.47 19 41.8 56 21.84 29 63.8 50


10 22.0 70 27.30 20 44.0 55 21.45 30 66.0 50


Post-dropping Inspection

insulated stainless steel water bottle carton drop test video

1. Carton breakage or cracking is unacceptable, and the dropping test fails.

2. For products packed in the dropped angle, if the packaging is broken but the insulation bottle still functions normally, then it can be acceptable.

3. Apart from the products in the dropped angle, the breakage of the packaging of other stainless steel thermos bottles is unacceptable, and the dropping test fails.

4. Any bottle in the box that loses insulation function or functions abnormally is unacceptable, and the dropping test fails.

5. The falling of bundled, paste, or screw-fastened accessories in the package is unacceptable, and the dropping test fails.

6. The inner pages of the loose-leaf record book of the product (user manual) fall off or the binder loosens is unacceptable, and the dropping test fails.

7. Sampling standards after dropping the box:

  • For products in ordinary packaging, the sampling ratio after the dropping test should follow the standards of the LEVEL II total number of products in the box, and they are accordingly sampled and their quality issues inspected. In addition, the appearance inspection of the rest of the dropped boxes should be performed.
  • In the case of blister packaging products, the sampling ratio after the dropping test should follow the standards of the S-4 total number of products in the box, and they are accordingly sampled and their quality issues inspected. In addition, the appearance inspection of the rest of the dropped boxes should be performed.

The carton drop test is an important part of the insulated water cup reliability test. Water bottle manufacturers need to pay attention to it. Any packaging design must undergo a drop test to improve product reliability and customer satisfaction. If you have any question about water bottle manufacturing and testing, please send an email to, you will get a quick reply within 24 hours.

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